Payroll Publishing’s public domain space is where no intellectual property rights exist. All works in this space are FREE to the public and may be used without any restrictions whatsoever.

The authors of these works grant every person and organization in the world permission to creatively and academically use these works to share, copy, add-on, remix, repurpose, perform, teach and distribute as they feel pleased…Emoji.


DOTTED LINE– a 10-minute stage play.
A popular artist is afraid to sign a recording contract because she thinks the record executive
is a reptilian.

To the extent possible under law,

Eugene E. Williams

has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
Dotted Line.
This work is published from:
United States.



To the extent possible under law,

Eugene Williams

has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
2020 Protest.
This work is published from:

United States.

2020 PROTEST– a one act stage play.
Due to the murder of George Floyd, three men from three different generations each
participate in the 2020 Black Lives Matter protest… each in their own different ways.

THE SHOWER LINE– a 10-minute stage play.
At San Quentin State Prison, one man struggles to get a clean shower. Then he learns the only
way the shower will be cleaned is to stab somebody.

SOUP KITCHEN– short stage play.
Two men, a womanizer and a lovable loser, both sit by a down-and-out distraught
lady and decide to cheer her up for the holiday.